Tesselate Plus Modifier for Max 4.0
Source Code
Sample File

This pluggin is what I define as charityware and can be freely distributed. If you find it useful make what you feel as an appropriate donation to your favorite charity. You cannot charge or make any money from this routine by reselling or bundling them with another package/cd/web page without my permission.

To install this routine just copy the files into your 3ds Max plugin directory.

Tessellate+ works just like the original tessellate, except that it adds 2 fields to control the level of tessellation instead of the original one. The first field is the view port tessellation level which controls the tessellation in the viewports and the other is a render tesselation level which is used when rendering. This allows you to create very large tessellation levels in the renderer and not in your viewport to increase viewport interactivity. These fields are also animatable so you can animate the tesselation level and the max tesselation depth is increased to 6 (Note at 6 you are creating an enormouse number of faces).

This modifier is best if used in conjunction with Displace.

Note this utility has not been fully tested in a production enviroment so use at your own risk. If you encounter any problems please contact me at

Peter Watje